Tomatoes a day keeps your heart beating for as long as you live: What are tomatoes? Tomato is scientifically called “Solanum Lycopersicum” and it is botanically a fruit; a nutrient-dense super-food that is so versatile which goes very well with other fruits and mixes in with a lot of vegetables for an endless number of delicious recipes, the best and most important part about tomatoes is that it does not lose its nutritional loads even after cooking. An excellent source of potassium, that helps fights inflammation, may help burn fat, regulates blood pressure, reduces the risk of cancer, lung, and asthma, aids digestion, good for the skin and purifies the blood. The great nutrients loads of lycopene and potassium in tomatoes have an amazing impact on heart health; lycopene lowers the LDL (bad) cholesterol and keeps blood from clotting which helps lowers stroke risk. While potassium is a heart-healthy mineral that can help lower blood pressure by taking some of the sodium out of the body system and by also relaxing the walls of the blood vessels.Â
Tomatoes And Heart Health:- The red pigment in tomatoes is called lycopene, the compound that acts as an antioxidant which is a good one and is vital for a healthy heart; Tomatoes a day keeps the doctor away. Healthy heart nutrition for heart care involves eating a healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish, nuts, and tomatoes. Heart disease refers to several conditions that range from coronary artery disease which in most cases leads to the hardening or narrowing of the arteries that provide vital oxygen and nutrients to the heart; to congenital heart disease, which could lead to heart failure. Heart disease risk factors include smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, stress, and lack of exercise while many doctors are of the view that some people have no control over some factors including age, gender, and family history. There are three factors that can also help reduce one’s risk of cardiovascular conditions; that is if one can control high blood pressure, diabetes, and levels of cholesterol in the blood with the right food choices.Â
Handle The Heart With Care Tips:-
Brisk Walking:- The heart is a muscle and anything that makes the blood flow faster through a muscle helps keep it in shape. Walking is considered the best exercise for reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes; Brisk walking is known to be good for the heart. Regular walking benefits the heart in so many other ways; it lowers blood pressure, which helps decrease the stress on the arteries, also boosts the amount of HDL (good) cholesterol in the blood by helping to make the blood less “sticky” and less likely to produce unwanted clots which add up to a 50% reduction in the risk of suffering a heart attack. Walk do not run, it is simple and cheap; a healthy walking routine of 30 minutes of brisk walking, five or six times per week will surely make a world of difference.Â
Stop Smoking:- Tomatoes help to counter the effect of cigarette smoke, it can also reduce a lot of damage done to one’s body by cigarette smoke; its loads of Coumaric Acid and Chlorogenic Acid are effective in protecting the body from carcinogens that are produced from cigarette smoke. Protect your health and blood vessels by avoiding tobacco smoking for a healthy heart.Â
Pop A Cork (Alcohol):- Heart-healthy diet and moderate alcohol intake of red wine for a lower risk of heart disease is advised but people with heart problems are advised not to drink at all. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, or stroke. Drink wisely and responsibly.
Drinking Coffee:- The healthiest form of coffee is organic and black; drinking coffee in moderation protects against heart failure and may also add years to one’s life. The antioxidants in coffee have a lot of beneficial effects on the heart such as improvement of blood vessel function and the reduction of inflammation. Coffee may also help to reduce the production of proteins that deposit in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s, and aged people who make coffee parts of their diet may record a slower rate of cognitive decline with increased mental alertness that helps to boost brainpower. Coffee reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack mortality risk, BUT over-consumption of coffee can raise blood pressure. The used coffee grounds benefit many plants, adding nitrogen to the soil.
Healthy Diet Is Key:- Dietary supplements and drugs can never be better than natural, fresh, and organics foods. Foods loaded with nutrients such as Omega-3 fish oils, folic acid, garlic, minerals, and vitamins are essential because this unique formula helps to provide one’s daily intake of important nutrients to help maintain a healthy heart and circulation. Going in for superfoods it is absolutely necessary to always think in food colors; foods that are deep blue, purple, red, green, or orange all contain health-enhancing nutrients that protect against heart disease, cancer, and improve memory which is the essential thinking skills that are responsible for a sense of balance in every day living. Be mindful of portion control, eat a variety of foods in moderation. Avoid red meat (beef and beef organs), eat fish, fruits, vegetables, drink lots of water, and avoid fried foods. Avoid or limit the consumption of sodium(salt) by avoiding salty foods, use less salt in cooking and avoid adding salt on the table; always remember that low sodium diets are best combined with high potassium diets.
Olive Oil:- A diet that is rich in organic virgin oil reduces the damage of the cells layer in the walls of the arteries, which helps with blood flow in the heart; these cells work to pump blood out to the body. Protects against cardiovascular risk and may also slow down the aging of the heart.Â
Leafy Vegetables:- Spinach vegetable is loaded with iron, folate, and the B Vitamin; folate not only prevents neural-tube defects in babies but also lowers blood levels, also an Amino Acid that irritates blood vessels and is linked to heart disease. Spinach contains two phytochemicals, lutein, and Zeaxanthin that seem to ward off macular degeneration which is a leading cause of blindness. Spinach is in the same class with Bitter leaf, Ugu, Zogale ( Moringa or Drumstick leaves), Waterleaf, and the Pumpkin leaves; a lot of research studies have shown the health benefits for the heart of a diet that is high in fruits and green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, and others that are packed full of compounds which benefit one’s heart and vascular system, so rich in fiber, which can lower bad cholesterol and reduce heart disease.
Banana And Watermelon:-
A lot of research suggests that foods rich in potassium can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. Banana is heavily loaded with potassium, fiber and Vitamin B6; bananas do wonders for one’s heart and it provides a lot of good carbohydrates to keep one energized for long. While watermelon is a rich source of potassium, with much more potassium in a large slice than the amount found in a banana or a glass of orange juice. Banana and watermelon are very high in potassium and fiber, which is very excellent especially when it is combined with a low-sodium diet.
Banana And Watermelon Shake:- Blend banana with avocado pear, organic honey, and water. Blend watermelon with apple and water; makes for a great rejuvenating drink for breakfast.
Go Nuts:- A perfect formula for preventing heart disease is nuts that provide great benefits; contain Vitamin E, which is a potent antioxidant that may help to ward off heart disease and cancer. The raw, unsalted nuts and seeds are the best, a handful of dry, roasted, and unsalted nuts is great enough to yield “super-food” benefits. Blend together peanut, banana, oats, avocado pear, soya milk or skim milk, low-fat yogurt for a filling breakfast; the fiber from the fruit teams up with the artery-protecting antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats of the peanut to protect the heart. Nuts help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases; a powerful punch of heart-healthy fats, protein, and fiber are found in almonds, walnuts, pecans, and tree nuts. Most nuts contain monounsaturated fats, Vitamin E, and other natural substances that may keep cholesterol levels and blood pressure in check. Walnuts are great to crunch on, which is a good source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. Serve oatmeal breakfast with a sprinkle of chopped walnuts, and it is a great snack with any fruits of choice. Nuts are high in calories, always remember that moderation in serving nuts in small portions is the key.
Beans And Oats:- Beans just like Oats are a great source of fiber that helps to keep the body’s cholesterol and blood sugar levels low. Dietary fibers assist the bowels to function smoothly; clearly lowers blood cholesterol because high-fiber foods are also digested more slowly, so they do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels like white bread, and sweet potatoes do.
Garlic is one great medicinal food that has more than just nutritional benefits; helps to reduce cholesterol which not all supplements work as garlic does, it is best to go for natural and fresh foods such as raw garlic bulbs. Garlic is excellent for the immune system, it has antibacterial and antifungal powers which is a great antibiotic that prevents cancer and heart disease. An excellent result in achieving the maximum effect is to eat garlic raw. What makes garlic and breath smell so bad is what makes it a power-house of health and the best way to release the garlic potent compounds is to smash, crush, mash, or mince it; ALLICIN is naturally produced when one crushes or eat raw garlic. Garlic is referred to as a cure-all; its allyl sulfides and other phytochemicals help protect the heart.
Enjoy A Tomato Today:- Tomatoes contain lycopene, the most powerful antioxidant among the carotenoids which is great at mopping up free radicals in the body system; the lycopene in tomatoes, fruits, and vegetables are the reasons why it lowers the risk of heart disease and other sources of lycopene are apricots, watermelon, and papaya. Tomatoes in the diet help to decrease the risk conditions of cancer and cardiovascular disease; adding fresh garden tomatoes into the diet is beneficial for a healthy heart. There are lots of ways to include tomatoes in the diet which are as follows, drinking low-sodium tomato juice, snacking on cherry tomatoes, adding slices of fresh raw tomatoes to any favorite sandwiches, cooking tomatoes into a thick paste with a little olive oil for added flavor and nutrients, eat raw in tomatoes salad, or cook in beans recipes. Always choose different varieties of tomatoes for a new flavor, taste, and textures.Â
Tomato Recipe For High Blood Pressure:- Tomatoes and garlic are beneficial to health when taken together at the same time for their cancer-preventive effects. Recipe Ingredients include organic fresh garden tomatoes and raw garlic. Recipe Steps:- Wash three large fresh garden, red ripe tomatoes. Slice each into two equal parts. Peel and crush or mince raw garlic. Sprinkle or place on each slice pieces of tomatoes and eat immediately. Works like magic bring down high blood pressure immediately. It is advisable to eat it as often as possible as in-between meals or eat it whenever the blood pressure shots up.
Unsalted Hearty Healthy Spinach Mixed Vegetables Soup:-
Recipe Ingredients:- Fresh fish or smoked fish, Mixed fresh vegetables of choice, tomatoes, bell pepper, scotch bonnets, onions, palm oil or olive oil, and seasoning cubes.
Recipe Steps:- Wash and shred mixed vegetables of spinach, Ugu, waterleaf, and Zogale. Slice up the spring onions.
dice tomatoes, bell peppers (green and red), scotch bonnets, and onions.
Place a saucepan on low heat, add palm oil or olive oil and sauté the onions. After some seconds add all diced tomatoes, pepper, onions, and add smoked fish (fresh fish), seasoning cubes. Stir-fry for a while, if too dry add a little water.
Lastly, add all the shredded mixed vegetables and stir them all together. Arrange daintily the dressed fresh fish if using.
Cook all into a thick vegetable soup and serve with any food of choice or serve alone with a banana shake.
Please no added salt.
Tomatoes Hearty Beans One-Pot meal:-
Wash and put brown or red beans to boil. Add slices of onions, tomatoes, pepper, fish, seasoning cubes, and palm oil. Cook on low heat until beans soften. Lastly, add spinach or Ugu leaf, spring onions, just the last five minutes before removing from the heat. Serve as desire.
Tomato Salad:- Always choose the super-fresh tomatoes, from the garden or farmers market.
Wash thoroughly and cut cherry tomatoes in half, slices, or bite-size. Sprinkle crushed garlic.
Optional dressings:- Whisk together the olive oil, garlic (salt or sugar or both), and pour the dressing over sliced tomatoes.
Sprinkle on a little chopped red or purple onions and enjoy a healthy simple delight.
Fresh tomatoes, red onions, and a splash of vinegar or a drizzle of olive oil are irresistible. The addition of any choice of fresh herbs makes for a tasty fresh tomato salad and a healthy deliciousness.
Unsalted Tomato Soups:- A delicious and velvety tomato soup, simple to make and nutritious. Cooking tomatoes in olive oil allows the body to absorb the lycopene better.
Recipe Ingredients:- Extra-virgin olive oil, finely chopped onions, peeled and crushed clove garlic, seasoning cubes, butter (optional), and fresh herbs to garnish.
Recipe Steps:- Place a saucepan on medium heat and add olive oil, add onion slices, and the blended tomatoes or chopped tomatoes or both. Add water or broth of choice and simmer. Add seasoning cubes, and stir well until combine.
Remove from heat, cool slightly, and then puree again in batches in the blender. Return the soup to the pot and reheat, then serve warm.
Toast Tomatoes:- A healthy and tasty snack; roast or toast whole cherry tomatoes with a few garlic cloves and crush them. Add the mixture to a whole wheat toast or sandwich and enjoy.
Tomato Smoothies And Shakes:- A low calorie and highly nutritious tomato drink; a tomato twist of fresh tomato juice with ice cubes and deliciously healthy.
Recipe Ingredients:-Spinach or Ugu (optional), fresh organic tomatoes, tomato juice (optional), carrot or beet, ice cubes.
Recipe Steps:- Freeze the cut tomatoes, combine the frozen tomatoes, tomato juice, chopped beet or carrot or both, in a blender. Blend until smooth puree. Add ice cubes, blend it again at high speed until thick and smooth.
Pour and serve in tall glasses, garnish with a sprinkling of dried garlic powder for a unique taste.
Unsalted Tomato Juices:- Organic juicy fresh garden tomatoes or cherry tomatoes are the best, olive oil is optional.
Recipe steps:- Rinse the tomatoes under running water, towel dry with a clean dish towel to remove dirt and bacteria.
Slice tomatoes in half, core and cut out the stems, then cut into two equal halves again.
Use a stainless steel or porcelain pot with the aid of a potato masher or a wooden spoon, press the tomatoes to release most of the juice or better still blend using a blender. A mixture of tomato pulp and juice will be achieved; slowly bring to boil, add water if too thick and stir constantly to avoid burning. Strain juice with a sieve after cooling. Serve immediately or serve chilled.
The second method is to simply cut and core the tomatoes, and add the pieces into the blender. Blend until a puree form and it is very smooth. Sieve it to remove pulp and seeds or serve it as wholesome tomato juice for higher nutritional value. Avoid the bitter taste of juice and get some sweetness; simply add some apple or orange juice. There are endless ways to prepare and serve tomato juice which is according to one’s taste and choices.
A Brain, Body, And Beauty Blast:- Tomatoes are one of the most beneficial fruits to mankind with their awesome beauty benefits, an amazingly power-house of excellent health-promoting effects for brainpower boost to overall body wellbeing. When choosing tomatoes pick those with the most brilliant shades of red which is an indication of the highest amounts of beta-carotene and lycopene; the beta-carotene in tomatoes helps protect against sun damage. Tomatoes help improve vision with their Vitamin A loads that aids in preventing night blindness; help to reduce the risk of macular degeneration which is a serious irreversible eye condition. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin K and Calcium which are essential minerals for bone strengthening and repair. The mineral called chromium is abundant in the tomatoes which help to maintain normal blood sugar and insulin levels; help support normal cholesterol levels. The bioflavonoids and carotenoids which are known as anti-inflammatory agents are abundant in tomatoes which can help reduce chronic pain such as arthritis, back pain, and combat inflammation; eating foods high in these substances is an excellent way to fight such chronic pains. Tomatoes are low in calories, boost gut health with their high fiber loads, reduces the risk of hypertension, can help dissolve gallstones and it is the largest source of dietary lycopene; other essential nutrients that are good for the overall health are folate, Vitamins B, C, and E. The processing of tomatoes into a paste with olive oil makes lycopene easier for the body to absorb; raw tomatoes, cooked, sauce, and paste are great for fighting heart diseases and cancer prevention. Tomato is also good for liver health with its detoxification effect in the body. Tomato juice is an excellent energy drink and rejuvenating the health of patients on dialysis.
Adverse Effects Of Tomatoes:- Tomatoes are naturally acidic, consuming too much can cause acid reflux which may lead to heartburn. Tomato leaves are unsafe, known to cause poisoning in large quantities. Intolerance to tomatoes can cause stomach pain and gas. Tomatoes’ high fructose can lead to constipation in some people.
Sustainability Of Tomatoes:- Sustainability MUST be high up in ANY decision-making process for healthy living and wellbeing, alongside nutrition, diet plans, recipes, and the most sustainable choices of food produce. The most sustainable tomatoes are locally grown at home gardens and local farmers. Tomatoes produce should be organic, zero food miles, no plastic just simple fresh produce: Buying tomatoes for biodiversity? Go organic.
Lower footprints and transport emissions? Keep it local and seasonal.
Lower agricultural emissions? Avoid meat or cut down on meat.
Less plastic? Recycle as much as possible, Reuse, and Reduce.
Give your heart the Tender Loving Care (TLC) it needs to last you a lifetime; Do not forget that your heart is in your hands, to care for, to protect, for it to keep on beating and pumping life into you. There is only one original heart that you have been given, take care of the MOST precious gift of life; the heart. Tomatoes are incredibly and exceptionally the all-powerful wonder fruits for the heart, so stock up on tomatoes today for a healthy and tasty bite; your heart will thank you for it!