A fruit is the edible, fleshy or pulpy part of a ripened ovary that contains the seeds of a flowering plant or tree; fruits usually consist of mostly soft and succulent tissues often sweet scenting of nature, it may either be fleshy or dry fruits on the plant or tree, simply put fruits are naturally sweet and are nature’s original desserts. The ovary encloses and protects the budding flower shoots at the very earliest stage of development until the ovules turns into seeds after fertilization; the fruits serves as a spreader assisting in attracting dispersers. The fruit are found in many varieties ranging from the dry fruits to the fleshy fruits, from the dehiscent (bursting open) to Indehiscent (not bursting open) to release the seeds when ripe including also the single seed to many seeded fruits.
The fruits are generally and popularly seen as succulent, edible when raw, usually considered to be “sweet” eaten and enjoyed for desserts while the vegetables are regarded as part of plants that are mostly prepared for the main dish as “savory” meals.
Fruits are rich in disease-protective nutrients with amazing anti-inflammatory compounds and an awesome array of anti-inflammatory benefits, therefore fruits are an important addition in daily meal, for healthy benefits it is especially eating fruits of diverse colors daily at least two cups to help boost antioxidant activity in the body; thus it is advisable to eat fruits with the season, during which fruits are available and accessible and at its freshest so eat your colors seasonally.Â
Nigeria is blessed with the bountiful organic and exotic farm produce; as a country right in the tropical belt it is flowing with milk and honey, fruits and vegetables, natural and human resources. Fruits are harvested when ripe but some special fruits are know to come in together with the season, hence are called seasonal fruits; the seasonal availability and affordability of fresh farm produce especially of the fruits is just the nature’s way of planning and telling everyone what must be eaten for healthy living.
There are two seasons in Nigeria which are the dry and rainy seasons and for the farmers it is all about the planting and the harvesting season; the best season for citrus and cherries is spring time, winter fruits are pomegranates and persimmons, pears and apples for fall while for the summer the best of fruits are the stone fruits and grapes. Climate change is affecting food production and fruits are mostly affected with a lot of the ancient fruits trees going into extinction; climate change simply means changes in the weather patterns of countries across the globe bringing along with devastating climate crisis that affects the environmental ecosystem, people and the planet.Â
The fruits in Nigeria are mostly seen in households backyards or gardens, for some families it is decoratively grown all around a family building serving as a fortress and food for the members of the families, while other fruits trees are planted along the streets and within farmlands that are specifically owned by owners of the land in which such fruit trees are seen growing, subsequently pass on from generation to generation through inheritance or sold off to other family members.
Nigeria is a tropical country with various fruit trees that are domesticated and indigenous to regional communities, where such fruit trees are seen, it provides shelter when it rain, shade when the sun is shinning and a cooling place to relax when the weather too hot for comfort. The fruit trees in Nigerian communities are forever surrounded by either animals or human, for most Nigerian kids the climbing of fruit trees is always a part of growing up, the street urchins called “ajekpako” villages kids grew up with a scar or two as a painful reminder of escapades made on the fruit tree while the pampered city Nigerian kids popularly called “ajebota” missed out on such childhood memories due to their over protected lifestyle by parents and guardians. All over Nigeria are fruit markets that are seen scattered according to their proximity to the buyers and sellers which also depends on the seasonal demand and supply; Nigeria is popularly categorize as South and North with most Nigerian fruits harvested from the northern parts and transported down to the southern regions while for the fruits that are scarce in the northern regions, it is made available by the southern regions of the country, making for a balance in having an all year round supply of seasonal fruits.
Nigerians love and relish fruits as a complete meal or served after a meal for dessert; popular fruits include banana known as “Ogede” in Yoruba refer to as “Ayaba” in Hausa, pineapple is in Yoruba called “Ope Oyinbo”, know as “Abarba” in Hausa, Star Apples is generally called “Udara, Agbalumo or Agbaluma”, Orange is “Osan” in Yoruba, Orange is called “Lemu Zaki” in Hausa and the lemon is known as “lemu tsami”, Mango is “mongoro” and the African bush mangoes is “Oro”, tangerine for some tribe it is simply refer to as “tangelo”, pawpaw in yoruba is “Ibepe” also popular refer to as papaya, known as “Guanda” in Hausa, the Guava fruit is popularly called “Goba”, Avocado as “butter fruits”, Cashew apple know as “kaju”, hog plums “Iyeye, watermelon is called in Hausa “Kankana” while it is “Bara” in Yoruba, the sour-sop fruit is generally refer to as Sharp-sharp, Apples are expensive but relish by fruit lovers. An exotic and locally produced delicious tropical fruit of the strawberry known as “olohun” in Yoruba is cultivated in commercial quantity in the Jos-plateau; an amazing array of rare and exotic fruits are all over Nigeria growing naturally as nature’s gift.Â
The best ways to preserve seasonal fruits is to process when in season in order to enjoy it all round the seasons, excess fruit produce can be made into jam, jelly syrup, sauce and dehydrated just as long as excess fruits are not wasted, recycling left overs and left out becomes a tool for saving on cost and reducing food to fruit waste.Â

Fresh Fruit Business In Nigeria
All across Nigeria the fruit markets are seen scattered at various parts designated for off-loading the fresh produce from the various farms with the Northern states being the largest region of the fresh fruits produce; thereby the fresh fruits are transported to the southern part of of the country with the biggest fruit market at Mile 12 Lagos popularly referred to by the Hausa speaking tribes as Kasuwan Gwari meaning the fresh fruits and vegetables market.
Fruits salad, juices and smoothies is a booming business in Nigeria, with many consumer rushing in for the daily dose of its healthy nutrients due to the fact that it is already made with no artificial additives and also removing the stress of going through the process of preparation. A lot of the Nigerian restaurant, eateries and joints have on their menus fresh fruits servings with packs of such sweet deliciousness ready for takeaway. Hence making demand for the fruits homemade products going on the increase because many busy people know the healthy benefits of the daily intake of fruits. Thereby turning and churning out huge market segment for fresh fruits both locally and internationally.
Mix Fruit Salad
Fruits that are naturally sweets do not need added sugar or sweetener but for choice it is best to drizzle the organic honey for its natural health benefits. Always choose fruits that are fresh, firm and ripe with juicy, sweet and succulent enough for easy cutting and chewing.
Fruits salad is high in water contents for glowing skin and digestion; its excellent fiber aids in gut health and lowers cholesterol with the richness of vitamins and minerals for boosting the immune system.
Recipe Ingredients
Fruits of choice
Papaya or pawpaw
Oranges or tangerine
Recipe Steps
All fresh for the fruits sold must be rinse off all dirt, dust and pesticides.
Peel all fruits separately using a sharp knife, deseed and de-pitt by removing the fruits seeds and fruity fibers.
Shape and design the fruits into fancy pattern; slice or cube each fruits into different fruit bowl and reserve in the refrigerator to save time and speed up the fruits salad preparation.
Fruits like the banana must not be peel before making the salad to avoid browning; if the fruits must be process before mixing the fruit salad then it is advisable to sprinkle lemon juice on any fruits that may darken or turn into a browning discoloration.
Combine all fruits in a salad bowl, if using grated coconuts or dates then sprinkle all over and toss to coat.
Drizzle the orange or tangerine juice all over the fruits, add any sweetener of choice for more sweetness and mix to combine.
Serve immediately or store in a re-sealable bag and keep in the refrigerator.
Fresh Fruits Cake
The seasonal juice fruits invitingly ask for Fruit cakes that not only standout as a picture of canvas but so gorgeous that it feels like a sin to cut out a slice. A fresh fruit cake that is soft, fluffy light, moist and creamy with layer fillings of crushed fresh fruits of choice.
Recipe Ingredients
All purpose flour with almond flour
Baking powder
Yogurt or whole-cream milk
Vegetable or cooking oil
Almond or vanilla flavor
Orange or tangerine zest for that zesty taste
Frosting and Fillings:
Fresh fruits of choice
Powdered or granulated sugar
Water or skimmed milk
Whipping cream, cream cheese and vanilla or cinnamon for the frosting
Almond flakes for decorating
Fresh fruits slices
Corn syrup and water the glazing
Recipe Steps
Preheat the oven, oil pan & dust with flour or lined with non stick paper dust mix fruit with flour.
Mix yogurt and baking powder then stir to mix; leave to proof until it is foamy on top.
Meanwhile Sift flour after adding baking powder, and salt; if using then sift in the almond or coconut flour, stir together to blend.
Pour the vegetable oil and add in the powdered sugar use the creaming method then cream until fluffy light; add in the proofed yogurt mixture, flavor up with almond extract or favor of choice then zest it. Mix to blend with a hand whisk or spatula; pour batter into prepared baking pans whilst also scraping all batter into the pan.
Note: the number of layers depends on the number of the batter baked in individual baking pans.
When baked, remove and allow to cool before removing from baking pans.
On low heat place a saucepan with water and sugar until the sugar is dissolved and turns syrupy; add in chopped fresh fruits of choice and mix to coat then allow to simmer in the syrup.
Separate the cooked fruits from the syrup and keep in different bowls.
Whisk the cream until frothy and it peak hangs out when pull out; add in the cream cheese and vanilla flavor then whisk again until it is fluffy stiff, chill in the refrigerator.
Pick one of the baked cake, scoop the reserve syrup of the cooked fruit and pour over it to soak.
While the second cake is layer with the whipped cream, spread all over. Layer up again with the fruit fillings, follow up with more whipped cream spread.
Layer with fruits, whipped cream according to the number of cake layers to be made.
Decorating all around the sides of the cake with flaked almond; then decorate cake top with dollop rose buds of whipped cream, garnish and decorate the toppings with fruit chunks.
Mix the corn syrup with hot water and glaze fruit chunks or slices on the cake toppings.
Carefully place into the refrigerator to set properly until it is ready to slice and serve.
A natural sweet deliciousness with the exotic flavor of the tropical fruits; healthier than most cakes, so enjoy the fruity cake treat.
The Thin Line Between Fruits And VegetablesÂ
Fruits are anything that has seeds just like the brown spots in the center parts of the banana are its seeds and tomatoes are also fruits; fruits are plants seeds that are produced from the ovary of the flowers. The following are fruits that many consumers presumed are vegetables; berries such as eggplants, tomatoes, bananas and pomegranates are fruits.
The seeds visible in bell peppers then qualify it to as a fruit not vegetable, green peas are fruits which develop from the flowering plants in the pods. Cucumber is loaded with seeds so is the Okra which makes both a fruit not a vegetable due to its seeds,
The believe that fruits are sweet and vegetables are savory, the watermelon visible black seeds makes it a fruit; the rhubarb is a very sweet vegetable with fruity taste but it is a plant vegetable. Simple explanation is that NOT all fruits are sweet whereas some vegetables taste so sweet.
Traditional Fruit Drying In Northern Nigeria
Seasonal fruits most often go to waste due to lack of modern equipment for dehydrating excess fresh fruits after harvest. Farmers are often seen spreading out excess fruits on the open fields to dry under the hot sun. Such fruits stay for days in the open without the proper hygiene needed during the air or sun drying.
Households families take care of fresh fruits also by either juicing, or sun drying; the fruits are slice into shapes and sizes for such fruits then a large raffia or bamboo mats are spread out within the compound and the sliced fruits are then spread all over to air or sun dry. The households drying methods receive much attentions due to the small quantity of the fruits. The used of traditional mats in drying the fruits quicken the drying method because it easily absorbs excess juice and prevent the build up of moisture under the fruits thereby speeding up the dehydration of the fruits. The fruits are collected after drying into raffia basket to allow for air during storage to also avoid mold forming when kept in storage.
Dehydrating Seasonal Fresh Fruits
The best ways to reduce and rid the environment of food waste most especially the seasonal fruits is to dehydrate it the homemade method or the DIY ways which is the 3R reduce waste of fruits, reuse the dehydrated fruits and recycle the dried fruits in various recipes in order to enjoy all year round fruits and to protect everyone and the environment.
Recipe Ingredients
Fresh fruits
The fruits can be dehydrated in the oven, microwaves or dehydrator can also be puree and turn to chewy fruit leather nothing goes to waste.
Recipe Steps
Wash or rinse fruits, towel or air dry, peel the fruits if the peels are not edible. It is advisable to dehydrate with peels for added nutrients and flavor from its peels.
Slice fresh fruits into even sizes of 1/4″ or 1/2″ for smaller fruits simply slice into two equal half or into rings, stone fruits can be half and pitted, pierce skin of fruits to allow evenly drying all through.
Spray or sprinkle lemon juice all over fruits to keep fruits from browning.
On a cooling rack, baking sheet or dehydrator racks spread out fruit slice in a single layer do not overlap the fruits slices, keep the fruits that will drip whilst drying on the lower bottom rack.
Then place in the oven, microwave or dehydrator and dry for hours until brittle and crispy, turning occasionally.
Allow the dried fruits to cool and then properly store and label fruits. Freeze some if prefer and check often the fruits for condensation if any dehydrate all over again.
Dehydrating Citrus Fruits
The dehydrated fruits or citrus wheels are a must have in every kitchen, as garnishes for fruit salads or sweet treats, for cocktails or drinks, a delightful flavor for teas or beverages, mix with add-in for fruit cakes and pastry for a fragrant zesty citrus taste on the taste-buds, the dried fruit can be ground into powder form and store for use in cocktail drinks or beverages or simply drop into drinks of choice and just allow to float around and away infusing the awesome flavor of fruits.
Recipe Ingredients
Citrus Wheels
Citrus fruits of lime, lemon, grapefruit, oranges, Tangerine
Baking sheet or tray
Cooling rack
Tongs or perforated ladle
Recipe Steps
Rinse up fruits thoroughly until clean and free of any dirt or debris.
Slice with a sharp knife into round wheels of 1/4″ in thickness, all fruits must be sliced using the same size for thickness for uniform drying.
Preheat the oven or make ready the dehydrator; meanwhile, arrange the sliced fruits on the cooling rack then place on the baking sheet or tray.
Careful place into the oven and allow to fully dehydrate; check every hour and rotate baking sheets for even drying.
Check for dryness when the fruit wheels are crispy and brittle when touch then remove from the oven.
Spread it out to cool completely before storing to avoid forming molds.
Gently place into an airtight containers and seal then properly label with fruit type, dates and recipe.
Store in a cool dry place preferably the kitchen shelf top and use when needed.
African Star Fruits Or Agbalumo
The ancient stories of ancestors and folktales has always had a permanent spot and space under the fruit trees found in village squares and often in parts of households nursing orchards or gardens in the cities and towns all across the Nigeria. The African Apple is one of such fruit tree that is generally called Agbalumo or Udara for many Nigerians; the African star Apple scientific name is Chrysophyllum Africanum or Albidum that is known as Agbalumo in yoruba, Udara for the Igbo or Agwaluma in Hausa regions in Nigeria.
The giant tree is nature’s gift to the locales because it is believed to belong to no one but it is owned and enjoyed by everyone living around the magical tree. As with every single Nigerian ancient trees shrouded with mysteries and myths, the Agbalumo tree is not an exception. The amazingly revered and respected myths is that the giant tree is a living abode for spirit babies of the spiritual world; thus a place to go to for women seeking the blessed fruits of the womb to carry their own biological babies. The women sit under the magical tree with a strong faith to be rewarded with any one of the spirit babies believed by them to come down into the real world through their womb; so it is passionately believed that it is a taboo, a forbidden act to climb on to the tree to pluck or pick its fruits but for any one to enjoy its fruits they must be patient enough for it to naturally drop to be pick. The giant tree is a gathering place for kids to play and to listen to stories, expectantly waiting for any of the ripe fruit to drop before the lucky kid who quickly struggle with other kids to pick it. The magical tree for a while the elders rest under the tree to relax after the days work or farming.
The legendary Agbalumo tree is believed to belong to the gods of the land, reasons to why it is mostly seen at the dead ends of thick forests, with hanging talisman, charms, juju and calabash gourds all over its branches. The tree roots which have grown so big and the grounds can not keep it hidden any longer, sprung all out wrapping around deities and idols housing community shrines making also for a place of ritual worships and sacrificial rites. The giant tree that are seen within the communities are found in market squares hence the inculcated belief that the tree belongs to no one but every one can pick its fruit when it drops.
Amazing kiddies stories were often told about the giant tree bearing delicious fruits with brownish colored peels, white yummy juice and dark brown seeds also known as the African Apple. The giant tree of the agbalumo is huge towering up several feet above many trees in the neighborhood just like the willow tree with it’s massively twisted trunk, going around in gnarled formation like an aged oak tree. The luscious green leaves beautifully adorns its top, in between are the lights of the bright orange to golden alternating colors of its fruits, peeping out from between the dense crowning glory of its gorgeous fresh leaves.
Stories of the giant tree are made up life lessons to pull and put the little ones on the right path; when fearful and painful punishments of disobedience are described as the gains of bad behavior for kids who refuse to listen and obey the elders stubborn. Nigerian kid live to adulthood believing such fairy tales and always of the best behavior fearful of such a painful end, thereby careful of not erring. Although, the udara tree is not domesticated in the northern regions of Nigeria but it is sold all over the region whenever the fruit is in season; it is enjoyed just like in all other parts of the country, hence making up the story of the uniqueness of the tree to teach the little ones life lessons to abide by.
The African cherry popularly called Agbalumo is to Nigerians an exotic fruit, eaten raw as a snack with a tender, the texture of the inner flesh is chewy gum-like that is so juicy, succulent, seeps out a milky sap all it takes is just a little squeeze. The seeds within are clustered around the stalk that are naturally position at the entry ‘eye’ point in the center with a covering of creamy pulp which are sweeter and numbering 5 brown, flat seeds which are naturally arranged side by side in the star-shape; when the fruit is cut open on a cross-section it reveals the seeds that are perfectly arranged in the shape of a star, hence the name of the fruit African Star Apple. The seeds are not edible but make for bead-like accessories when strung together to make anklets for cultural dancers; Nigerian kids love to play games with the beautiful shiny brown seeds.
It is wrapped up with an edible and chewable skin with colors ranging from green to orange depending on the fruits ripeness, which turns darker as the fruit ripens. Even though the fruits can be deliciously sweet while the brighter orange peel of the star Apple fruits are sour with a sharp taste that not only slap the cheeks it locks up the lips with its milky sap; it is best to search through the bunch of the star Apple for the darker orange peel to obtain the most sweet and juicy of the lot. The uniqueness of the star Apple taste is best enjoyed when incorporated in dessert and sweet recipes or as add-in to cocktail and exotic punch drinks.
The fruit sap is milky juicy and so sweet, its latex-rich skin is bittersweet when chew and the end result of chewing for long produces an amazing chewing gum. The skin of the fruit is never wasted for many that knew of its various uses and benefits such as a gel agent, a thickener and stabilizer for food and the drug industry.
The agbalumo is a unique and versatile fruit that can be used in a variety of recipes most especially juicy and sweet desserts. The fruit can be processed and preserved for several other uses for when the fruit is off season and scarce. The peeling of the star fruit is so easy, it begins from the stalk that is positioned in the eye of it, remove it by pulling it out, next is to slowly pull back the leathery peels that is naturally made up of latex absolutely will make for a great chewing gum; pull away from the flesh then tear off. The fleshy part is an orange to red off color, streaked with a network of fibrous strings after which the flesh comes apart easily due to its juicy fillings. The fleshy parts can be preserved in the refrigerator, strain the juice, transfer into a re-sealable bag, seal off and freeze it. The dried segments of the fruit are made by sun drying or the use of a dehydrator to remove moisture; to make strain out excess juice, spread and space out on a clean non stick mat or stainless tray, cover with a light mesh to keep off insects and debris then place to sun dry. Or place in the dehydrator until all liquid is evaporated and fruit is crispy dry. The fruits segment can be macerated in sugar syrup, steep in vinegar or lemon juice to preserve also. A lot of recipes requiring a different taste and flavor will do great with the addition of the fleshy meat of the star fruit.
Agbalumo Fruit Jerky Or Leather
The agbalumo when it is turn into pulp can be made in to an all time favorite for the kids is the fruit leather that is so easy to pack and take on the go, which instantly makes for a great snack giving and replenishing energy. The best of the fruit jerky can be achieve by mixing and matching with other fruits and vegetable varieties for delicious flavor combinations.
Recipe Ingredients
Agbalumo fruit or its pulp
Lemon juice
Spices of ginger, chili and clove powder
Recipe Steps
Always get the unbruised fruits to use to avoid contaminated fruits; rinse the peels before peeling off. Core and chop, taste the fruits for sweetness if sweet avoid the use of sugar but if a bit sour or tart go up a bit by adding sweetener of choice to up its taste.
On low heat place a pot with some water, add in the chopped fruits segments.
Cover with lid, simmer until the fruit is cooked to tenderness, uncover and stir to combine.
Quickly mash up with a potato masher or cool slightly then transfer into a blender to roughly breaks into mushy lumps.
Check and taste the fruit to determine the quantity of lemon juice, spices and sweetener to be added; Sweeten and spice up with the sugar or honey or other favorite fruit juice or syrup, mix in and add in the ginger, chili and clove powder, stir to combine.
Add in the lemon juice or any favorite fruit juice to enhance the flavor and aroma.
On low heat, place back the saucepan and continue to simmer until all added in are dissolved and blended completely together, stir continuously to avoid sticking to pan until the fruit puree or sauce has thickened and begins to set.
Lastly, scoop the puree into a blender and blend until thoroughly blended and turns to a smooth puree. Strain or sieve to remove tiny fibers or fruits tiny bits and pieces.
On a baking sheet with a thick heat proof plastic wrap then gently pour out and evenly spread out the pureed fruit sauce onto the lined baking sheet to about the thickness of choice or an 1/4 inches thick.
Place in the oven or dehydrator to dry out for as long as it will take for the fruit puree to dry out in order to form the fruit leather. Check to see if the fruit leather is no longer sticky to the touch, then it is ready.
Carefully lift it up the edges with a sharp kitchen knife, beginning at the end roll it all the way to the other end just as you would roll a rug or if storing then roll it while still on the plastic wrap and arrange into an airtight container or jar to store; label with fruit type, date and recipes.
Store in the refrigerator or a cool shelf top; whenever it is needed, open up and pick any number of the rolled up fruit leather, peel it off then roll it out and enjoy by chewing it away, yummy sweet.
Agbalumo Concentrate
A mix of the fleshy juicy parts of the fruit with citrus juice of choice, then sweeten with sugar and pureed or blended to obtain a thicken paste. The sauce or syrup can be added to juice, smoothies, ice cream, desserts, candies and cakes.
Recipe Ingredients
Fresh fleshy parts of fruits
Orange juice or sugar syrup
Recipe Steps
Transfer into a blender the flesh and juice then blend until creamy smooth. Sieve to remove the the fibrous segment.
Transfer into a jar and freeze.
Process further by simmer on low heat, add in sugar and lemon juice. Stir continuously until it thickens and sets.
Transfer into a jar and label as Agbalumo Sauce.
Agbalumo Smoothies
Agbalumo Smoothies is like every other fruits or vegetable smoothies, a slight difference in the recipe is the use of Agbalumo as an alternative to other fruits in the recipes of fruit smoothies.
Recipe Ingredients
Agbalumo fruits or pulp
Date palm or dabino soaked
Yogurt or full cream milk
Honey or brown sugar
Ginger and cinnamon or cloves
Recipe Steps
Agbalumo fruits in the desired quantity to achieve a creamy and nourishing smoothie; rinse the fruits, peel away the skins, and separate the seeds from the pulp.
Rinse date palm and soak to soften enough for blending; de-pitted the dates or cut open and remove the date Pitts.
Combine the agbalumo pulp, the soaked dates, some milk and press on the pulse severally.
Sprinkle some spices or flavor up with any favorite, add the yogurt and sweeten; now blend until creamy smooth.
Transfer into serving mugs and enjoy as a nourishing sweet treat.
Store in the refrigerator to chill some more before serving.
Agbalumo Exotic Drink
A uniquely spicy exotic drink made out of the fruits peels and seeds, spiced up with spices of choice or blend in with favorite flavors, sweeten with sweetener of choice, honey or brown sugar.
Recipe Ingredients
Agbalumo fruits or the peels and seeds
Freshly squeeze orange juice
Sweetener of Choice
Cloves and ginger
Recipe Steps
Rinse the Star fruits off dust and dirt, peel away the skin and separate the seeds from its pulp.
Collect all the pulpy fruits and reserve for other recipes.
On low heat bring some water to boil, add the agbalumo peels and seeds, following closely with spices of choice such as cloves and ginger. Sweeten with sweetener of choice, cane sugar or syrup will blend perfectly into the drink.
Cover to simmer for as long as the exotic flavor of the fruits peels and seeds are infused.
As soon as the aromatic flavor seeps out from under the pot lids, take off the heat and allow to cool.
Now strain with a cheese bag or mesh for that clear orange colored juice, swirl in some freshly squeeze oranges juice, then stir to mix in and blend.
Serve over ice cubes as a spicy exotic agbalumo drink.
The African Star Apple Health Benefits
The fruits is rich in nutrients and as a source of Vitamin A, with its Vitamin C loads known to be much more higher than what is normally obtain in oranges or Guava; its excellent Vitamin C greatly assist in the prevention of scurvy and mouth gum diseases also a rich source of iron and calcium. The calcium of the star fruit strengthened teeth and bones, assists in reducing abdominal cramps and bloating.
A healthy natural remedy for toothache, constipation, sore throat, mouth gum diseases, many other viruses and infections. It boost the appetite by sensitizing all the taste buds to encourage eating more especially for those refusing to eat due to health challenges.
The consumption of a recommended daily servings goes a long way in helping cancer, diabetic and heart disease patients; aids to lower the blood sugar levels and cholesterol that generally aids to protect and prevent many related heart problems.
The fruits is a natural diuretic, an excellent source of antioxidant booster helping to get rid of free radicals from patients with oxidative stress disorders; a source of phytochemicals such as Tannins, Flavonoids, proteins and carbohydrates.
The fruits excellent fiber loads fills up the gut making for faster and longer satiate, preventing eating too often and too much, thereby helping to lose weight. Its high loads of dietary fiber provides bulk in the guts for enhance roughages in the bowels and relieving constipation. The star tree is significantly not just a mysterious tree in fork tales but a magical tree in reality with every parts of the tree playing an important role for healthy well being, the roots, barks and leaves are curative when used as home remedies for the healing of cough, yellow or high fever, high blood pressure while the seeds is best used for the treatment of infections.
Papaya Or Pawpaw
The pawpaw is a fragrant and delicious healthy fruit, a very popular and part of the Nigeria meals and medicines that has been famous for years known worldwide as the “Fruit Of The Angels”; a fruit with an absolutely unique and luscious taste blessed with a sunlit evening glow color of the tropics. The seeds are black, round enclosed in a naturally form transparent gelatinous aryl; when ripe the fruit is ready for consumption. The obviously oval shaped, gorgeously delicious, super sumptuous, green skin cloak on the outside and so juicy with an orange color on the inside, a superb beauty fruits generally known as papaya or pawpaw for Nigerians; it is a luscious and succulent fruit that is so much loved by Nigerians relished as a complete meal when ripe. Pawpaw or papaya with the scientific name of Carica Papaya known as “ibepe” in Yoruba “Gwanda” in Hausa and for the Igbo it is called “Ojo”
The pawpaw tree is an endlessly tall tree, bearing fruits by the female trees while the male do not. The pawpaw when fully matured fruit is covered with a green skin with a white fleshy inside dotted in the oval center with the priceless and medicinal black round seeds. The ripen fruit skin turns yellow to orange while it’s juicy flesh turns to a brilliant pinkish orange color. The matured pawpaw is crunchy when it is chew just like a carrot, but when perfectly ripen the fleshy parts of the fruits turns softer and sweeter that effortless and soundlessly melt away when it is chewed. A sweet deliciousness with an absolutely unique taste, great in smoothies, ice creams, yummy desserts, blends in perfectly with yogurt to produce a creamy and delightful sweet treat.
When in season or out of it, the pawpaw fruits is eaten and enjoyed often by most Nigerians, either plucked from the gardens or picked from the fresh produce market at a price. As a freshly served fruits, rinse off, peel, scrape away the seeds and fibrous strings at its core, slice or cube. Every part of papaya plant is priceless from its roots, leaves, seeds, peel, steam bark and latex are used for the various tropical disease treatment.
The pawpaw fruit rapid ripening leads to waste due to high yield losses and low fruit quality for its marketability; the more reasons for an improved processing of the fruits. The papaya fruit has been used for the production of a good papaya table wine while the locally brewed burukutu beverage has also been produced with the blend of the matured papaya fruits and sorghum.
The fresh pawpaw can be serve in many ways which includes adding the slices of pawpaw to fruit salads, as a satisfyingly refreshing smoothies; add pawpaw as an alternative to other fruits and mix with strawberries then pour in the yogurt and blend into a creamy and yummy treats. Go a mile in making up unique ways of serving the fresh pawpaw by slicing into cubes the peeled fruit, drizzle lemon juice all over and sweeten with honey. Toss to coat the cubed fruits then freeze and enjoy as a sweet snack treat. An easy to enjoy the required daily serving of pawpaw is to add to daily breakfast cereals and serve.
PawPaw Ancestral Myths
The fruit of the pawpaw is available all year round even though scarce and expensive when it is off season, hence enjoy by both young and old because it is a ready to eat fruits and so easy to eat for the babies to the aged; all across tribal regions in Nigeria, every parts of the pawpaw tree is a treasure and the people of the Tiv Land in Benue State Nigeria makes the optimal use of the pawpaw or papaya from its leaves down to the root for meals and for medicines. However, there is the belief in Nigeria that pawpaw is not good for pregnant women hence must not be consume and this may not be unconnected to the eating of unripe pawpaw by pregnant women which may cause the fetus to be aborted or lead to complications during childbirth. Medically, unripe papaya can be dangerous especially its latex and the enzyme papain which can induce early labor and lead to miscarriages for the pregnant women. The seeds of the papaya is also believed in ancient medicine to cause infertility and deformities in the unborn fetus.
The science has proved over time that not all foods are acceptable for pregnant women and what to avoid when expecting a baby; therefore may have nothing to do with folklore, beliefs, myths and superstition handed down over the years by traditional medicine which are often belief to be magic not medicine.
The raw papaya contains high loads of the enzyme papain which suppresses the production of progesterone a vital hormone for healthy pregnancy; raw papaya is dangerous to the embryo development but with less harmful effects if eaten when ripe and in moderation but the ripe pawpaw is free of the enzyme papain hence not harmful to the fetus.
The enzyme papain is in the raw green papaya is responsible for miscarriages and abortion during pregnancy; it is also high in the concentration of the crude latex which is a milky liquid that oozes out of the plant papaya.
It is advisable for pregnant women to totally avoid eating the raw green papaya in daily diets to avoid the abortion inducing effects on fetus.
The matured and unripe fruit of the pawpaw is used in preparing soups all across regions in Nigeria, the indigenous people of Benue state often preserve the unripe pawpaw fruits by slicing and drying which is used as a soup ingredients to thicken and also flavor up the soups. The unripe pawpaw fruits are washed, peeled then sliced into chips then spread out to sun dry or dehydrated in the dehydrator until crispy dry. The dried pawpaw chips are rehydrated by soaking until softened, then pureed and mix in to the soup of choice. In the northern region the pumpkin along with the pawpaw freshly cubed or sun dried into flakes are used in a lot of recipes such as the tomatoes sauce or stew especially when tomatoes are scarce and expensive, it saves cost and enhance the nutrient loads of not only the tomato sauces but various vegetable soups such as the groundnut, Melon-egusi or the popular soup known as miyan kabewa which is simply the pumpkin soup. The soups are so delicious and very rich in both macro and micro minerals, containing excellent loads of beta-carotene, Vitamin C and E, going way down low in the anti nutrients. A nourishing soup that is highly recommended for improving the dietary diversity of not only the rural communities but city dwellers also; boosting the antioxidant and micro nutrients intake of the whole family all across the diverse tribal regions in Nigeria.
Pawpaw Juice
A healthy drink that can be served any time of day with various dishes, prepared with the ripe pawpaw fruits; mostly prepared using the fresh and ripe pawpaw fruits to obtain its natural sweetness and flavor, thus requires no added sugar due to its fructose loads.
Recipe ingredients
The freshly ripe pawpaw fruits
Fresh milk or coconut milk
Vanilla or cinnamon for flavor
Spices of ginger or clove powder is optional
Recipe Steps
Rinse fruits properly, peel and de-seed the fruit; slice and cube.
Transfer into a blender and add milk, fruit juice of choice and water.
Blend until smooth and creamy, scoop into a jug, chill and serve.
Pawpaw Smoothies
Papaya eaten fresh or in smoothies rewards and feeds the body with the richness of papain-enzyme. A superb super-food in a glass mug with or without a sweetener helping to enhance the body wellness and uplift the needed metabolism, its loads of fiber assist digestion. Smooth with a slight sweetness that may assist in weight loss for it is so kind to the waist. The best healthy benefits can only be possible when daily diets reduces the intake of fatty foods and fizzy drinks.
Recipe Ingredients
Pawpaw, peel, deseed and cube
Ginger, Cinnamon
Pineapple or strawberry
Orange or lemon juice
Skimmed milk
Ice cubes
Sugar or honey is optional
Recipe Steps
Transfer all fruits into the blender, add the milk, spices, flavors and the ice cubes. There is no need for sweetener for the natural sweetness of the pineapple or strawberry is enough for sweetening.
Blend until creamy smooth and scoop into serving mugs; enjoy alone or with any favorite side dish of choice.
Papaya Health Benefits
A natural source of health benefits that enhance digestion, promote powerful immunity, prevent cancer, aids weight loss, and improve skin health.
Pawpaw is used in manufacturing cosmetics beauty products; the enzyme in raw pawpaw is used for chewing gums and dietary supplements, great for use as a meat tenderizer.
Aids digestion: The digestion super enzyme Papain greatly enhances digestion by breaking down protein which ensures that the body’s proteins are not converted into body fat.
Weight loss: the excellent fiber loads of pawpaw, water, vitamins and minerals assist in an easy and natural way to lose weight if the fruit is incorporated in daily diets.
Prevent Infection: The eating of papaya will help in combating intestinal worms, hence reducing infections and health related issues attributed to worms.
Relieves Toothache: A homemade remedy is made out of the fresh papaya roots that has been grounded into a paste; and also the inner bark serves the same purpose. Apply on the spot of tooth problem, simply rub on the tooth gum and root for instant relief.
Anti-cancer: an effective medicinal herbs in the treatment of various cancers, such as the dried leaves ground into powder.
The pawpaw fruit is a rich source of Niacin, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, with therapeutic properties that is considered to be an amazing beauty fruit; contains Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin including loads of minerals such as phosphorus, Iron, potassium natural sugar and an excellent loads of dietary fibers.
The seeds of the pawpaw are precious little miracle herbal medicine, aids in the remedy of bacterial infection and stomach related health problems. The enzyme papain (Fermented papaya result in the enzyme papain) from sap oozing out of the leaves and bark can be used to cook meat faster and softer hence a meat tenderizer; contains anticancer properties an efficacious skin care ingredient, works it magic in the treatment of ringworm and skin infections used as a first aid treatment in the riverine regional communities across Nigeria.
The pawpaw plant has been used effectively in as medicines for its excellent anticancer powers;
The dried and powdered papaya leaves is loaded with anti-carcinogenic effects against cancerous tumor cells, most effective in slowing down the tumors when ingested as an infusion in tea beverages.
Also the papaya lycopene is a strong antioxidant which relief the effects of cancer radiotherapy; the fermented pawpaw containing the enzyme papain may greatly assist in oxidative stress that could lead to cancer in type 2 diabetics.
Beauty And Skincare Or Cosmetic Fruits
The best of fruits that are collagen forming with its nutrients and antioxidants with the most amazing enzyme known as “papain” giving the skin that ever young look and feel to glow and blow away all signs of ageing; papaya or pawpaw is a great skin toner ingested internally or topically helping to perform its beautiful magic.
The enzyme papain is effective in purifying and clearing dead skin cells, treats sunburn, eczema, psoriasis and skin irritations, helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles as an anti-aging fruit by fighting the free radical. The pawpaw peels is a great skin scrub when used on the feet, hands and face; the paste of pawpaw fruits is a smoothening and tightening facial mask.
An effective remedy in the treatment of burns and acne; use as a topical application or eaten as a snack helps rids the body of impurities making for a clearer and glowing healthy skin. The latex from the fruit or plant can be applied topically to treat burns, ulcers and wounds also helping to reduce burn scars.
Heart Health
The seeds of the pawpaw contains Vitamin A, C and E which are powerful antioxidant helping to prevent and protect against diabetic heart diseases; aids in preventing cholesterol build up in the walls of the arteries hence a healthy heart. The high loads of dietary fiber in pawpaw is effective in the reduction of LDL cholesterol level in the body.
The fiber helps to increase bowel movements hence reducing the effects of constipation; the vitamin loads of the pawpaw juice and fruits such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E and folate are great remedy in motion sickness.
The regular consumption of papaya helps produce the needed body’s heat due to the fact that it is considered as a “Hot Food” which helps to stimulate the estrogen hormone in menstruating women.
Prevent Macular Degeneration
The orange color found in carrots and pawpaw is known as beta-carotene which helps in improving the eyesight and also a great antioxidant that is effective in reducing the effects of macular degeneration, for excellent treatment it is advisable to include pawpaw in daily diet.
Mango Fruits In Nigeria
Mango in season is a beautiful way to enjoy the best of refreshing and satiate fruits with the peel or without. An absolutely delicious treat for the whole family while in Nigeria mango season is a time the whole family stock up on the fruits because it is a go to when hungry or to fill in the void in between meals giving all the optimal nutrients and satisfaction the body needs. There are lots of mango varieties that is so easy to reach for according to the few monies within reach.
Mango in northern Nigeria is hawked all over the streets in wheelbarrows by men while the elderly women lined up with the Binta Sugar or Bush mango along the street paths leading to the open air theatre shopping complex in Maiduguri, Borno State Nigeria.
The Gamboru Market is generally refer to as Kasuwan Dayan Kaya, meaning a market for fresh farm produce especially when in season, there every variety of the fruits and veggies are on display at an affordable price for purchase. The populace often visit the market in large numbers in order to get the best of bargain for farm produce for the family feeding and to make a business selling the farm fresh produce to those who can not visit the market on daily basis but still need the produce for daily meals of the family hence making profits in order to compliment the family income.
Homemade Mango Processing
Go for the fresh but firm mangoes, rinse off all debris and dirty, separate the skin from the fleshy pulp with the tumbler or drinking glass. First slice off the cheeks of the mango’s by cut it off the core seed as close as possible. Now place the section between the skin and the fleshy pulp in between the glass rim with the pulp facing the inside of the glass while the skin is outwards. Gradually and carefully, press firmly downwards to scoop away the pulp which drops into the glass, follow up by scooping or scraping the remaining pulp from its skin.
Collect all mango peels and reserve for juice or drinks, meanwhile transfer all the pulp into a blender and puree; here is the basic natural mango pulp from which all other mango recipes are made from juice, shakes, smoothies and Popsicle.
Fresh Mango Juice
Mango fruits is so sweet without added sweeteners, refreshingly fruity with the richness of fresh breeze and so so healthy; an easy to reach for natural snack that can either be eaten peeled or unpeeled for optimal health benefits of dietary fiber contents, of the yummy mangos.
Recipe Ingredients
Fresh mangoes, peel cubed or puree
Orange juice for freshness of citrus
Honey or sugar if the mangoes is not sweet enough
Water fresh or chill
Recipe Steps
Combine the fresh mango in the blender then add enough water and blend until smooth.
Check and add more water or fruits until the taste and consistency of choice is made.
Strain in a fine mesh to remove the fiber strings of mangoes; pour into glass and straw it.
Serve as a refreshingly cooling juice.
Marvelous Mango Mocktail
A mango drink prepared with the fresh mint leaves flavor to add an exotic zesty taste, lime juice, sugar or sweetener of choice with a swirl of sparkling soda water then serve in high glass with ice cubes and garnishing of dehydrated lime wheels.
Recipe Ingredients
Mango pulp or fresh mango
Lime juice and lime wheels
Fresh mint leaves or ginger
Soda or sparkling water
Sugar or sugar-free
Ice cubes
Recipe Steps
Scoop some blended mango puree into a bowl add in the water and strain into a jug to remove fiber strings, add mint and lemon juice, stir all together.
Pour in the sparkling water, drop in the ice cubes and mix to combine.
Garnish with either the dehydrated lime wheel or freshly slice lime rings and a mint, enjoy with a straw.
Mango Smoothies Or Shakes
Fresh mango in its season makes for all the delightful fruity recipes because it is so versatile and super filling. The recipes can be prepared with add-in of bananas, yogurt or full cream milk while the addition of the orange juice or tangerine gives it a sweet tangy taste with a beautiful color and pleasant flavor.
Recipe Ingredients
Mango chunks or mango puree
Banana slices
Yogurt or whole-cream milk
Orange or tangerine juice
Honey for a healthy sweetness
Ice cubes
Recipe Steps
Rinse, peel and cube mango if using the fresh fruit, transfer in a re-sealable bad and freeze; Next place the frozen mango cubes or scoop into the blender the mango puree, add the peel and slice banana, yogurt or milk, orange juice and a dash of honey.
Blend severally adjusting the consistency with added milk or juice until it is creamy smooth to the desired choice of thickness.
Scoop into smoothie jug or mug and enjoy anytime of the day.
A simple shake is just a combination of mango, whole cream milk with honey and vanilla flavor. Combine all in a blender and blend until creamy smooth and enjoy as a fruity custard with a fantastic color. A Popsicle can also be made out of the shake but the consistency is much more thicker and creamier, scoop into Popsicle molder and freeze a delicious way to introduce the kids to the healthy benefits of all fruits.
Health Benefits Of Mango
Mango are chewy with lots of fibers, sweet and nutrients dense. A whole lot of vitamin c loads are found in mangoes, with good content of iron, beta carotene from it golden sunset colors, potassium and much more.
Added to daily diet mangoes helps to reduce and rid the body of infection, help to fight anemia, assist in bone strengthening; maintains blood pressure in heart related problems. Mangoes lowers the levels of cholesterol in the body by its pectin and vitamin c loads, thus aids in weight reduction; for best result it is advisable to use mangoes in daily diet as a healthy alternative to lower the bad cholesterol and to lose weight faster.
The high level of iron in mangoes is a natural treatment for anemia; its iron loads helps to increase the red blood cells in the body. A great fruits for the pregnant and lactating mothers with its excellent folate loads which is vital for fetal development, hence a great nutrients dense fruits for women.
The daily eating of mangoes goes a long way to improve digestion due to its richness in dietary fiber and enzymes while the high water content helps digestion and prevents constipation.
The beta carotene in mangoes prevent asthma, reduces any risk related to the inflammation of the airways or obstruction.
The mangoes antioxidants compounds aids in fighting cancer cell tumors and helps prevent cancer; also the anti-inflammatory properties and beta carotene prevents lung cancer, colon and prostate. Greatly affects the cancer tissues with a positive impacts in reducing cancer tissue growth of the breast, colon and prostate.
Improves eye health, fight diabetes and immune system booster, a great way meal for healthy wellbeing.
The great fruit for the desert heat of northeast Nigeria, the mangoes fruit can help reduce the effects of the sun heats on the body; aids in reducing the high body temperature, prevent heat strokes and replenishes loss energy.
The mango fruits works both way internally and externally, used as a topical application the mango peels helps to treat bacteria and skin infections. The vitamins and minerals content includes the vitamin E which aid in fighting against all skin diseases for glowing and healthy skin. The peel of the mangoes is used as a scrub all over the skin or using the pulp puree as a facial mask by rubbing it all over the face and neck. Allow to stay for a while until a tightening and taut feeling on the skin, then use the peels or more puree to moisten the skin in order to ease the washing off. Now using clean running water, wash off the skin thoroughly, towel dry gently and moisturize for a supple and smooth skin.
Rainbow Fruit Popsicle
Homemade popsicle are delicate and delicious with no added sugar, artificial colors, flavors and additives. Healthy and natural popsicle can be made with fresh fruits pulps and fruits slices or rings; fruits such as mango, pawpaw or papaya, kiwi and strawberries gives a beautiful, inviting and enticing delights to tempt the taste-bud. A hydrating and cooling stick of refreshing to please the palates.
Recipes Ingredients
Fruits of different varieties either fresh or frozen; pineapple, pawpaw, mango, strawberries, guava, banana, apples the list is endless because anything goes.
Popsicle mold
Popsicle sticks
Recipe Steps
The freshest of fruits works best for these naturally beautiful fruits to pop into the mouth and chew away. Rinse all fruits, peel and scoop or scrape away all seeds or pitt then puree the fruits in the blender separately in individual bowls do make sure all colors are contrasting and as beautiful as the rainbow.
Scoop and put the first layer in the base of the popsicle molds, thick or thin the choice is personal. Mix and match the different fruit purees in order of the desired colors or stripes, designs or patterns of choice.
Gently place into the freezer and allow to freeze until solid. Set down the next layer and press down with a foil to cover rightly.
Slit the center with a sharp knife and insert the popsicle stick by gently sliding into the middle; repeat the freezing.
Once the popsicle stick are in place and properly set, then remove the foil and continue to fill each mold layer by layer in contrasting colors until it is filled up.
Freeze until it is as solid as to choice; then when it is ready to be serve simply dip the mold into hot water and carefully slide it out and serve or wrap up in popsicle plastic and place in the freezer until ready to be serve.
A delicious yet a better alternative to ice cream cone for variety with a healthy and delicious benefits for the kids and adults.
Guava Juice Or Smoothies
The joy in chewing guava is most often ruin by its hard seeds that easily get stuck in between the teeth and for most lover of the fruit the seeds are difficult to chew with the fleshy pulp hence the obstacle in enjoy the exotic and super sweet guava.
The way out of this dilemma is guava juice, smoothies or popsicle.
The same recipe can be used for guava smoothies but with added fruits of choice to make for a custard-like pulp to achieve the perfect guava smoothies; milk or yogurt will give a beautiful color and a creamy smoothies.
Recipe Ingredients
Fresh ripe guavas
Orange, tangerine juice or water
Lemon juicy for that zesty flavor
Recipe Steps
Choose the ripe and firm to the touch fresh guavas; rinse well until free of all foreign particles.
Slice into circle or cubes with the peel on or after peel off its skin.
Transfer into a blender, add any freshly squeezed juice of choice; or add some chilled water then blend until it is barely smooth in order to avoid blended the seeds which may be a problem for people with seeds and stones issues such as in kidney problems.
Pour out into a sieve to remove the seeds and then return to the blender and blend it until it is smooth.
Then pour out and strain out the tiny seeds grits blended into the juice with a fine mesh or cheese bag; push it through with a spatula or spoon to separate the pulp from the tiny seeds and fibers.
Dilute the guava pulp with more fresh citrus fruit juice or water into the right consistency, and add some lemon juicy for some tangy feel giving in to a delightful sweet and sour treats.
Sweeten up with sugar or honey for healthy goodness, stir to mix in all add-on ingredients for a smooth yummy blend of glorious guava delight.
Serve chill in glasses and enjoy.
Traditional Medicine In Nigeria
Homemade remedies and curative medicine are generally made of plants and leaves of various ancient trees which include fruits trees and often vegetable plants; Pawpaw, mango, guava, banana and lime leaves for traditional herbal remedy popularly known as “Agbo” in Yoruba, “Maganin Daci” in Hausa believed to cure a lot of diseases most especially fever that reduces pain and eliminate infections.
Guava leaves with or without other fruit leaves can be simmer in water on low heat and used as a decoction for many diseases; bathing, steam bath, and even drinking cupful daily can reap a whole lots of healthy benefit for the human body as disease prevention and protection.
The guava leaves is rich in fiber, antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties; helps to reduce heart disease and strokes.
When use in tea infusion assist in relaxing the nerves and boost the immune systems. The quercetin found in guava leaves acts as antihistamine and anti-inflammatory helping to inhibits the development of food allergies, asthma and skin irritation and reaction.
The methanol in the guava leaves extracts is rich in volatile oil, saponin and flavonoid prevent and cure stomach ulcers. A highly recommended remedy for women with menstruation problems and for men battling with fertility problems; generally boosting libido in both sexes.
Although fruits are consumed daily without any second thought for the amazing efficacy of its leaves and roots which possess a lot of healthy benefits.
Guava Health Benefits
The guava fruits and plant is not apply used as a snack meal but also as a medicine; the guava leaves is sorted out, combine with pawpaw, lemon and orange leaves then boil
Guava is simply loaded with nutritional values but brimming with a unique tropical flavor and taste; the awesome color of the guava fruit is superb and it is so versatile in preparing a lot of fruity treats.
The immune system benefits immensely from its vitamin c and traces of copper elements, helping also the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
Therefore guava is a necessity for maintaining good health due to its excellent vitamin c richness; treats wounds for speedy healing, prevents scurvy. The daily intake of guava prevents the body from deficiency of the vital vitamin c for the perfect functioning of the body.
Calcium as a very important nutritional benefit of guava which is essential the contractions of the muscle, nerves and enzymes; also rewarding the body for the healthy growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth.
Guava prevents and protects the body’s cells against cancer with its vitamin c and lycopene; lycopene is an amazing antioxidant that is loaded with powerful anti-cancerous and anti-tumor properties.
A great remedy for the treatment diarrhea and various stomach problems due it’s dietary fiber which is effective for smooth functioning of the digestive system in the human body; hence a fantastic laxative for gut health that prevents both diarrhea and constipation.
Guava are low in calories hence the zero cholesterol, rich in fiber for smooth bowel movement and overall the fruit is nutrient-dense making it the blessings of the tropical regions such as Nigeria.
The guava fruits and leaves is an effective astringent for a fast first aid as home remedy for the treatment of toothache and tooth decay; with its antibacterial properties which helps in treating mouth ulcers, bleeding and swollen gums.
One of the vital nutrients of the guava is the manganese which assist in the normal brain functions by relaxing the nervous system and connective tissue formations in the body.
The fresh leaves of the guava when mashed into a paste can be used as facial scrub in the treatment of itching skin, pimples and spots whilst clearing and removing dead skin cells for a bright skin that is free of black spots.
A remedy for cold and catarrh; infuse the guava leaves in tea brews by simmering on low heat. Strain out the guava leaves tea infusion and drink for quick nasal and throat relief.
The beneficial guava nutrients helps to maintain and enhance hair growth with its excellent phytochemicals, fibers, flavonoids and essential minerals consisting of manganese, potassium, copper, Vitamins A, Vitamin C and folic acid which aids glorious hair growth. The guava dietary fiber and natural low sugar, low carbohydrates and zero cholesterol is the perfect formula for weight loss.
Jackfruit or Breadfruit
The jackfruit is the bridge between the vegetables and the fruits; used as an alternative to meat in many dishes twisting and turning as a versatile ingredient in meals especially when it flips it’s flavor serving its uniqueness between sweet and savory depending on its ripeness and recipes preparation.
The tropical fruit is popularly called breadfruit and known as “Ukwa” in Igbo region of Nigeria; jackfruit is best cultivated in tropical climate and also the largest edible and tree-borne fruit in the world.
The ripe fruit when it is sliced open it is of a beautiful bright yellow pods which can be eaten either raw or cooked; the seeds are loaded with health benefits when used in curries or roasted and consumed as a tasty snack.
Jackfruit is just like a natural candy being sweet and tart when it is fresh with an awesome combination of the fruity flavors of the mango, banana and pineapple making it the perfect add-in in smoothies; the young green jackfruit gives less of its tropical flavor hence sour needing sweetener to enhance its taste but makes for a delicious vegetable dish. The jackfruit when boil and the water strain severally turns its taste to neutral with a rubber-like texture. An absolutely versatile fruit absorbing and blending perfectly various flavors.
Jack fruit is an excellent vegan meat substitute great for sandwiches and pastry fillings; other recipes include soups, salads, while the pureed jackfruit can be made into yogurts, jam, jellies, ice-cream cereal bowls and toppings for pizza.
The Nigerian Jackfruit Porridge
A popular Nigerian dish often called breadfruit jolly by many lover of the delightful dish because it is a one pot meal. Cooked like any other dishes but with a distinct difference in regional cuisines from the northern, eastern and southern parts of Nigeria where a lot of the ingredients used depends on what is used in local cuisine of the regions across Nigeria.
Recipe Ingredients
Yam or sweetcorn as thickener
smoked fish
Seasoning cubes and salt
Palm oil or vegetable oil
Bitter leaves or green vegetables if you do not like the bitter taste of the Bitter leaves
Chili pepper or scotch bonnet
Onions and locust beans known as daddawa In Hausa
Recipe Steps
Wash the Jackfruit thoroughly until it is separate from sand particles. Transfer into a deep saucepan and cover with enough water, place on medium heat and bring to boil, add a little edible potash, add the wash and de-boned smoked fish cover and continue to cook until the jackfruit melt easily when press between the fingers.
Pour in the cooking oil of choice but preferably the palm oil, add seasoning cubes, salt, add the ground scotch bonnet, locust beans and spices of ginger powder if prefer; add the peeled and cubed yam then combine to mix.
Cover and cook until the color changes to a beautiful yellowish color, add the already prepared fresh vegetable of choice; if using the Bitter leaves then blanch it in Hot water strain, and rinse severally until the bitter taste goes down tremendously or just use any other green vegetables.
Allow to simmer until the vegetables absorbs the flavor and seasoning of the dish which only takes the last five minutes.
Remove from heat, stir to combine and serve with beverages or drink of choice.
Health Benefits Of Jackfruit
The jackfruit is rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals; the jackfruit tree including its fruits, leaves and barks are used in traditional medicine most especially in the rural communities across Nigeria.
The jackfruit as meal and medicine is anti-carcinogenic, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and hypoglycemic effect on the human body system. Its fiber loads prevents constipation hence reduces colon cancer risk, the antioxidant in jackfruit assist in preventing degenerative diseases, and healthy well-being.
The Black Olive Or Atili
The Black Olive or Atili with the scientific name known as Canarium Schweinfurthii, refer to as “Ube Okpoko” in Igbo, “Atili” in Hausa similar to the Igbo Ube of the tribal regions in Nigeria. The fruits are cultivated in two popular varieties consisting of the short-round and the long-spirals; the fruit is a dark purple drupe, that contains just a single triangular shaped seed with three edged projection and the seeds are enclosed within a purple-green pulp with a unique flavor and a naturally mild sweetness that leaves a sweet taste on the tongue long after eating it. The people of Plateau-Jos are known for the cultivation of all kinds of exotic fruits due to the beautiful and blessed weather the state is known and love for the fruit atili that is widely relish and popularly hawked by women carrying tray laden atili whilst running in between the terminus busy traffic in pursuit of buyers and consumers alike; a ready to eat locally hawked around major streets as a handy snack fruits with a chant of Atili… Atili… all over the streets calling out for the consumer of the fruits. The beautiful dark purple fruits are on display at the various market in different sizes of raffia baskets for those in need of bulk purchase to consume or sell in their neighborhood, while encouraging school age kids to hawk the fruits all over town in order to make ends meet. The edible fruits of the Atili can be consumed raw but best consumed after soaking in hot water, strain and sprinkle with salt then serve with coconut. The seeds are used for the local games by kids and adults alike while for the fortune tellers it is a tool for divination on the board of destiny; the seeds are hard nuts to crack, never breaks easily hence making for a good tool for learning numbers and arithmetic after the school hours.
The Atili fruit is from the oil making tree, giving out an amazing natural oil that is highly medicinal as an essential oil; the Atili fruit is so similar to the avocado pear for its oily pulp that is creamy delicious, a mini version of the pear for the northern people of Nigeria. An olive like fruit, pulpy and oily like the avocado; to make oil out of the fruit is to soak in hot water, then strain out the water and transfer into a mortar and pound with the pestle after which more water is added gradually whilst pounding until all oil is extracted. Strain and separated from its seeds the pulpy and oily paste, allow to settle then scoop the oil on top of the mixture. The healthy benefits of the oil is as rich as the olive oil; it is loaded with natural enzymes and antioxidants. The Atili oil is a great organic moisturizing oil with a superb nutty and pleasing aroma. It is rich in vitamins and antioxidant that nourishes the skin and it also helps to stimulate hair growth; used in cosmetic products. The oil penetrates the skin to give a glowing, smooth and supple skin.
The oil making tree of the Atili is as priceless as the palm oil tree due to the fact that every parts of the Atili tree is totally useful; the ripe fruit of Atili that is plucked fresh from its tree are soaked in hot water or steam but never to be cooked to avoid burning. The giant tree protects soil against erosion, provides shades and serves as a wind breaker during strong windy seasons, it generate heat when used as firewood and a great defense for reforestation. A means of job creation for millions of Nigerians who are unemployed, the fruits and organic oil of the Atili tree is a treasure for revenue generation with the needed technological infrastructures and innovation for its production and processing.
Health benefits of Atili
The decoction of the fruits, leaves or plants can be used for various treatment against diseases such as food poisoning, heart diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, cough, chest pains, dysentery and stomach problems. It helps to eliminate excessive cholesterol in the blood. It enhance the smooth functioning of the digestive system, it promotes the cardiovascular system, improves the vision, reduce cancer risk, protection against anemia. The vitamin E loads of the fruit is a superb anti ageing helps to reduce wrinkles, its oleic acid keeps skin soft and guarantee healthy wellbeing. There is no known side effects from the consumption of its fruits, and oil therefore its decoction as home remedy if used in moderately is effective against diseases.
The Banana Fruit
The fruit scientific name is genus Musa of the Musaceae family; it is a tropical fruits and grown all over Nigeria in so many species o the banana.
Banana is available all through the seasons, pick a bunch then keep and see it ripening under the right temperature. Fried or mashed, sliced or eaten whole;
A sweet, yummy and filling whole-meal fruit, it is so easy to eat just peel and enjoy. Peel, slice and dip into chocolate, add slices to oatmeal for a fiber filled nutritious breakfast. Mash up some banana as a sweetener and healthy alternative in baked goodies; Add to smoothies or simply juice it and enjoy a sweet and relaxing treats.
Banana Chips
The chips are crispy chewy prepared by either dehydrating the ripen banana in the dehydrator or oven. Slice and fry in deep oil until crispy the unripe banana, alternatively to avoid oil spread on a clean rack cover with a mesh and dry in the sun.
Enjoy as a snack, use in various recipes such as fruit cakes, cereals or smoothies.
Banana Peel Fertilizer
The banana peel is an amazing organic fertilizer if put into its proper usage; out which the liquid infusion or powder can be made and use as in home gardens and farms. Plants need phosphorus for disease resistance to grow healthily, develop strong root, good fruits, better stem and seed development.
The proper use of banana peels is protecting the environment through the recycling of the banana peel instead of dumping it to pollute the ecosystem.
A simple method is to place the banana peels into a pot, pour water to cover and simmer on low heat.
Allow to cool, strain water or blend the cooked peels and use it to water plants.
The powder banana leaves is spread out the peels on a dry surface to dried under the sun, until crispy and darken.
Ground the peels by milling it or pounding using the traditional mortar and pestle until it turns to powder.
Transfer into a garden bowl, cover and seal tightly then label appropriately. Feed the plants bed weekly or bi-weekly, sprinkle some of it at the base of the plant for stronger roots and fruitful plants.
Health Benefits Of Banana
Energy Fruits
The super fruits are known to replenish loss energy and engineer strength and vitality. Fruits that are high in fiber are best giving satiate for longer and aids in digestion and in the smooth bowel movements such as the banana, apple, avocado all serve as fuel and charge for an ongoing energy. The fruit is super loaded with nutrients especially potassium which may help manage blood pressure and assist in reducing the strain on the cardiovascular system, its potassium helps the regular beating of the heart; aids in reducing the effect of sodium on blood pressure, It can also reduce kidney stones risks.
The nutritional benefits of the sweet banana are limitless, a ready meal for weaning babies and an easy meal for the aged; the protein in banana may also aid in preventing the development and growth of the leukemia cells in babies.
The fiber, folate, potassium and the vitamin c antioxidant are great for a healthy and happy heart; helping also to lower the bad cholesterol. Banana fiber loads helps to lower the blood sugar levels; it assist excellently in digestive health by enhancing healthy bowel movements.
The best fruit to boost the mood, preserve memory, enhance learning, memory retention, and relaxes the body into the sleep mode by inducing sleep fast especially when taken with milk or when it is simmered on low heat, mashed and served before bedtime.
The Pear Fruits
The bell fruit due to its shape, pear is eaten as a crispy and crunchy juicy fruits; especially when eaten whole and unpeeled for its skin that is rich in dietary fiber, for added dietary fibers add some nuts and enjoy it as a wholesome snack. The pear when added to breakfast meal gives a nutritious and flavorful start of the day needed nutrients. The smoothies and juices with the pear fruit is an exotic tasting and light go for drink to enjoy with meals or alone as a refreshing and relaxing glass of vital vitamins. As a crispy, wholesome, sliced and cubed add-in for mixed vegetable or fruit salad, it is simply a blast that gives the recipe both the sweet and savory feel on the taste-bud. The fresh fruit cakes always looks and taste much more delicious with the addition of the pear fruit; great addition to chocolate sauce and other sweet treats. The pear fruit are available all season, added to daily diet for all its nutrients, slightly sweet and super-fruits.
Health Benefits Of Pear Fruit
The powerhouse of superb fiber, vitamins, beneficial plant compounds which help in fighting inflammation in the body, assist in weight loss, protect against diseases, promote gut and heart health.
Pear fruit is an excellent source of folate, Vitamin C, rich in the polyphenol antioxidants; also in vital minerals like copper and potassium.
The soluble and insoluble fiber richness of the bell shaped pear are vital for digestive health which helps to promote bowel movement, relief constipation.
The potent plant compounds found in pear fruits contain anti cancerous properties that may help in preventing and protecting against various types of cancer.
The glorious green skin of pear is a source of lutein and zeaxanthin that promotes crystal clear vision and protects against aging related vision impairment.
Pear fruits help to fight inflammation with its excellent load of flavonoid antioxidants; aids as protection against various diseases such as the Type-2 diabetes that it significantly helps to decrease its risks due to the rich loads of fiber and anthocyanin in the pear.
The daily diet of the pear fruits in various dishes may help reap many healthy benefits such as decrease in stroke risk, assist in boosting heart health.
The high water content of the pear fruits, its rich fiber loads and low calories is just the needed combination for an effective weight loss diet; gives satiety fast and reduce the need for binge eating.
Avocado Pear
The evergreen tropical tree fruits with a green, rough outer skin within is a buttery flesh and and amazingly huge seed in the center of the glorious fruit. The fruit is nutritious and a great source of folate potassium, healthy monounsaturated fat most of which is oleic acid which is so good for the heart, helps fight inflammation and an anti-cancer. The fruit contains Vitamin C, E and K, including minerals such as copper phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, and zinc; it is loaded with dietary fiber that help to lower risk of various chronic diseases and improve health.
Avocado can be serve in various ways because of its versatility; slice in halves season to personal choice and enjoy. Avocado in egg dishes is so satisfying, peel it, slice and top up the almost cooked scrambled eggs or mix with beaten eggs and steam cook. Healthy alternative to butter on toast, bread slices and sandwiches just the perfect organic creamy spread with all the deliciousness minus the unhealthy fat of butter and margarine. Salad recipes can be so loaded with calories from creams and mayonnaise, to avoid that once in a while switch to the creamy avocado for a healthy substitute for a filling meal. The list of avocado recipes is endless so mix and match then match and mix to enjoy the full blast of the avocado healthy creaminess; delicious addition in a lot of recipes such as salad, can be sandwich in bread slices as a whole meal, delightful when eaten alone as a snack.
Health Benefits Of Avocado
A creamy and delicious fruit with amazing healthy benefits that speeds up its richness to be amongst the super-fruits; it is excellent in essential compounds and beneficial nutrients for healthy ageing; low in sugar content. The healthy fats in the fruit assist in protecting the liver from infection, disease and damage; It is rich in antioxidants, Vitamins C, Vitamin E, minerals and zinc which protects the vital body organs.
The fruit prevents oral cancer due to its anti cancer potential properties known as phytochemical. Avocado is a great protection against arthritis and help to reduce anti-oxidative stress on the bone cartilage.
Its powerful lutein, zeaxanthin, antioxidant help reduce the risk of cataracts and age related issues.
Avocado in daily diets reduces the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases the HDL (good) cholesterol in the body; It is a potassium rich fruit that assists in reducing heart disease risks and strokes while the fruit monosaturated fatty acid moisturizes the skin to give a glow.
The seeds are dried and ground into powder then used for managing high blood pressure when added to gruel beverages or as an infusion in tea drinks for weight loss. The persin in the seeds prevent attacks of the fungi parasites in the body; it is advisable to consume it in moderation.
Watermelon Fruits
The water melon with the scientific name of Citrullus Lanatus is a large sweet and round fruit, has a green rind and bright red juicy flesh with spotting of black seeds. High in water contents but low in calories count and it is not just a nourishing fruit but exceptionally refreshing. It is a sweet, delicious and packed with water, making it fantastic for maintaining good hydration.
The water is hawked in wheelbarrows by young adults all over the street at times stationed on the major high ways for vehicle owner to make a fast purchase, seen at the market places the fruit is carefully arranged on wetted sand beds lined with straws and leaves before placing the fruits in order to preserve it freshness and protect it from the dehydrating sun of the northern Nigeria. The fruit is sliced in portion for interested buys wanting to enjoy the water melon but can not afford to buy it whole; hence slices of the fruits are wrapped up in the white and transparent cellphone for buyers with less purchasing power. Watermelon generally called “KanKana” is relish by kids also because it is easy to chew, sweet and juicy.
The Watermelon Recipes
The watermelon can be eaten and enjoy fresh, in juice, frozen slices and a beautiful addition in fruity popsicles.
The watermelon juice is prepared by first washing to rinse the fruit of all dirt then peel, slice and dice. Transfer into a blender, add some chilled water or ice cubes then blend until frothy smooth.
Pour out and serve in glasses as a refreshing, electrolyte drink that is just perfect for rehydrating after sweating hard during exercise or a day under the scorching sun.
The smoothies using watermelon is just as easy to make, all it takes is adding into the cubed fruits and iced cubes any frozen or fresh fruits of choice, follow up with squeezed citrus fruit juice and blend until a thicken puree of gorgeous and beautiful blend of fruity delight.
Serve in smoothie mugs or jugs; a wholesome and natural meal for people with diabetes to enjoy but it is advisable to observe portion control and always better to eat whole fruit complete with its fiber than just drinking the juice without the dietary fiber.
Water melon in fruit salads is all the nourishing water contents its needs for a juicing servings of assorted and multi colored fruit combination to enjoy and reap the reward of healthy nutrients the body needs.
Watermelon Health Benefits
Watermelon is loaded with the two powerful plant compounds of citrulline and lycopene; the lycopene in watermelon is a powerful antioxidant that is responsible for its red color which greatly assist in lowering blood pressure, improve metabolic health making it a perfect addition to a healthy daily diet. It contain the vitamin B of thiamine, niacin and riboflavin, others include the zinc, manganese, selenium, fluoride, antioxidant and essential nutrients.
The fruit is mostly water going for about 90% water, hydrates the body, sweet tooth satisfaction with its natural sugar; provides electrolytes such as potassium which helps to replenish loss energy during the unbearable hot season in northern Nigeria. The fruits is part of every day diet for its slight natural sweetness, high water contents and beneficial nutrients.
The high water content and dietary fiber aids in promoting the smooth and healthy function in the gut, hence prevent constipation by regulating bowel movement.
The dietary antioxidant of the vitamin c in watermelon helps to combat the free radicals and may greatly assist in preventing cancer.
A helpful and healthy fruit for people with high blood pressure and kidney problems who often use diuretic drugs to aid their body remove excess water and salt; the fruit improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the soreness in the muscle during any strenuous exercise.Â
Cashew Fruits And Nuts
The cashew fruit is from an evergreen tropical tree which produces both the cashew fruit and it’s seeds. The cashew fruit is an oval or pear-shaped called the cashew apple which ripens into a beautiful yellow or red color while it real nut shape forms a kidney-like shape, it contains just a single seed. The cashew apple is the fleshy stem of the cashew fruit which is attached to the stem that comes off the cashew tree while it bottom end attaches to the cashew nut that is cloaked in a shell.
The cashew nut roasted with sprinkles of salt makes for a crunchy and handy snack treat; most departmental stores have the roasted cashew nut beautifully packaged on the “nuts” shelf for consumers. The cashew is not as easily available just like the peanuts and when it is sighted on store counters the price always hits the rooftops. In Nigeria some snack vendors on major roads are seen selling the roasted cashew nuts in bottles and mini sachet along with other varieties of small chops.
Cashew is used for cashew milk, cheese and cream sauces as an alternative to dairy milk; thus cashew milk is of healthy benefits as other milk. Cashew nut roasted and added to dishes makes for a chewy and fiber loaded meal. The cashew fruit can be eaten fresh or fermented for brewing alcoholic beverages both locally brewed and company branded alcoholic drinks.
Cashew Fruits And Nuts Recipes
A unique treats for snacking on the go and in between meals is a mixture of roasted peanuts or groundnuts, sesame seeds or any favorite seeds and dried fruits of choice to add a sweet taste to the package; every chewy mouthful is a combination of the sweet and the savory.
The roasted cashew nuts can be chopped or crushed then added to mixtures or used as toppings for baked goodies.
The cashew nut butter is so easy to make and can be used alternatively to other butter in a lot of recipes; the processing is similar to the peanut butter making, simply transfer the raw or roasted cashew nuts into the blender and blend until creamy smooth. Scoop into airtight container or jar, then label accordingly.
A step further is the making of a cashew nuts oil out of the butter; if allow to stay for several days the oil will float to the top, just scoop away or strain. The proper processing to extract more oil involves the kneading and press of the cashew nut butter until all oil is extracted leaving out the dried pulp.
Health Benefits Of Cashew Nuts
The cashew oil rich selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, phytochemical, proteins and antioxidant in the oil is of healthy benefits to the skin which also protects and prevents skin cancers. Cashew nut health benefits
The powerful antioxidant pigment called Zeaxanthin in the nuts protects the eyes; prevents macular degeneration.
The cashew nut oil is an all rounder for glowing skin and for hair growth; helping in the production of skin and hair pigment known as melanin for silky hair and soft skin.
The cashew nut is nutritious, tasty and a great snack to control weight which also contribute towards giving a boost to the metabolic process of excess fat burn out; a delicious snack that gives satiate faster for longer whilst helping weight loss.
The dietary fiber in both the fruits and nuts help for better digestion also helping to reduce issues of digestive diseases.
It is also an excellent source of magnesium which is helpful in muscle relaxation and neuromuscular transmission. The daily consumption of the cashew nut will assist in reducing the risk of for surgery to remove gallbladder. The high copper loads of the cashew nuts helps to eliminate free radicals from the body; help also to maintain collagen, elasticity and assist in replacing damaged connective tissue.Â
The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in cashew assist in decreasing the LDL bad cholesterol and triglycerides hence, aids to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and heart attack; nutritionally the plant based foods helps in reducing the risk of a lot of lifestyle related health problems.
Amazing Health Benefits Of Fruits In The Human Body.
Anti-inflammatory fruits
The fruits in this category are immune booster, stimulates protein absorption due to its high loads of enzymes that reduces inflammation in the gut, such fruits includes pineapple, cherry. The enzyme papain and chym-papain is an excellent treatment in reducing inflammation in the body; also effective against rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Detoxifying Fruits
The powerful cleanser for the overall body’s system, going all over the system to fight away the harmful free radicals, with great antibacterial and antiviral loads. The fruits includes watermelon, lemon, lime, with its Vitamin A and Vitamin C loads, taking off impurities whilst supporting the digestive system.
Immune Boosters
The best fruits are vitamin C and A sources such as citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, grape fruits, strawberry, lime which serves as prevention and protection networks helping to fight off infections and diseases; with the strawberry seeds rich minerals that also assists in supporting the immune functions.
Antioxidant Fruits
The reduction in the harmful impacts of the ultraviolet rays in the sun can be achieve by fruits that are high in antioxidants contents such as grapes, orange, bell pepper that aids in keeping the strong with bright vision, fighting off diseases, ageing and all eye related ailments.
Adverse Effects Of Fruits
Fruits are wholesome meal the best of nature’s fast food; from farm to fork and the daily eating of whole fruits is much more rewarding than daily intake of fruits juice and dried fruit that contains a higher concentration of fructose which is the sugar naturally found in fruits, it is very easy to eat or drink in excess.
Consequently, excess fructose can harm vital organs such as liver disease like oxidative stress on liver cells and liver inflammation, it can have negative impact on the brain which can lead to multiple neurological disorders and digestive issues which may lead to diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
It is advisable to avoid fruits by those on a very low carbohydrates or keto-genic diet and those living with fruit intolerance due to digestive problems.
It is advisable never to eat the raw cashews nuts due to the toxic urushiol known to cause a skin reaction in most people; but the steam cashew nuts are safe to eat.
People who are allergic to nuts should avoid it because it contains potent allergens that can lead to a life threatening reactions.
Environmental Sustainability Of Fruits:
Food and fruit waste:- Fruits and vegetables is deemed to have a huge losses across regions in Nigeria; hence food waste most often occurs during processing, distribution and final consumption of the food.
Farmers losses occurs when fresh produce spoil before reaching the various fresh produce markets. Therefore reducing the value economically and nutritionally hence throwing away their fresh produce due to spoilage, consequently, the spoilage pushes and engulf the farmers into a poverty circle that is difficult to break due to lack of vital infrastructure such as a cold room or store to preserve the food produce.
The changing pattern of consumption, investment in the much needed infrastructure, digital technology and innovation is a crucial intervention that will assist in tackling consumer food waste and the post harvest fresh produce waste before reaching the consumer markets.
Sustainable fruits production and preservation begins with organic produce; the best way to grow fruits without an adverse effect on the environment that is healthy for animals, land, for people, and planet that also consider the health and welfare of workers and support the local communities by provisions of needed basic amenities and job creation. Simply put whatever is taken out of the environment must find its way back into the environment. Growing fruits and vegetables in home gardens and orchards leads to a sustainable farming. Fruits and vegetables that are produced without pesticides contribute to a non-toxic environment. Fruits and vegetables have short shelf life hence the reason to why sensitive fruits and vegetables get rotten easily and to avoid getting rid of it it is often transported by air or other means for faster delivery to end consumer which also has a large impact on the climate.
Longer footprint result in more greenhouse gas emissions it is good for the environment to transport fruits and vegetables efficiently.
Sustainable fruits production and preservation leads to a sustainable diets, therefore it is culturally acceptable diets for the sustenance of the whole family. Thus, traditional dietary patterns have low environmental impacts which also contribute to food and nutrition security as well as to guarantee healthy life for present and future generations.
Fruits are best eaten in its natural state in order for the body to benefits from its loads of nutrients, essential vitamins and minerals not forgetting its fiber richness, above all the endless source of water content that is not only juicy, sweet but highly refreshingly nourishing. The apple is one of the highly recommend fruits in daily fruit servings; Apple a day is said to keep the doctor away not only for its crunchy delightfulness but for its optimal health benefits and with an amazingly strong antioxidant.
Peaches, lemons, watermelons, Avocado, grapefruits, pomegranates, Acai and Goji berries, plums but do remember to eat and enjoy seasonal fruits also in addition to the above listed super fruits. The mentioned fruits are all super fruits that boost immunity, with loads of vitamins and minerals rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties all that the human body needs to fight free radicals, deadly and contagious infections covid-19 and to walk around and away from emerging diseases.
The amount of sugar in eaten whole fruits is the same that is found in the smoothie because it is made up of the whole fruit with a slight difference of blending. Therefore it is healthier to go for the homemade fruit juice and smoothie than sugar-sweetened carbonated pack juice, smoothie or soft drinks which are filled to the brim with calories and consumed between meals hence the soaring cases of obesity in kids and adults. The more green veggies are used as add-in in fruit juices and smoothies the lower it’s sugar content; think green always. The juice and smoothie have loads of nutritional benefits but smoothies are nutritionally best for its fiber, vitamins, minerals and proteins when combined with skimmed milk or yogurt, so watch out for the best organic ingredients, portion control is advised and the best option is always homemade.
Obesity and weight gain are caused by the imbalance in the calories consumed in daily diets and it’s burn off; natural fruit juice and smoothie should be a part of a healthy balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Fruits are wholesome food and a healthy alternative to candy, sugary juice and sweet desserts with the richness of a lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidant and phytonutrients which all supports the immune system whilst fighting free radicals as the best protection against emerging diseases during today’s climate change issues. The healthiest benefits is derived from eating different colors of fruits in order to reap the reward of its different nutrients; go organic, eat your colors, observe portion control and satisfy your sweet tooth cravings without creating more calories. Fruits are not just nature’s sweets or nature’s candy, but nature’s fast food, the feel good natural snacks; eat fruits enjoy a life of fruitfulness!